Pressed-Flower Art/Cornhusk Creations~ Sarah Samsel

A multi-media artist since the time she could glue construction paper together and an avid gardener, Sarah Samsel of Clarkesville, Ga. combines her excitement for creating and creation through pressed flower art. In addition to flower petals, Sarah uses foliage, seeds, bark, fruit and vegetable peels and a variety of other natural materials to create her pictures. In 2005 Sarah got her start in pressed-flower art when she was 10 years old by making greeting cards.

Manipulating cornhusks is also one of Sarah’s favorite activities. She’s been bending cornhusks since she was 12 years old, when Nancy Garrett showed her how. Sarah has made cornhusk sheep, camels, flowers, guys and dolls. To see more of Sarah’s pressed-flower art and cornhusk dolls please visit
Pressed Flower Art~
"Constellations" is made of: maple, gray poplar, banana peel, seaweed and hydrangea.

"SeƱor Catfish" is made of: poinsettia, cinnamon, aucuba, birch, money plant, seaweed, hydrangea, cornsilk and cotton. Click HERE to learn more.

"Soquee Rainbow" is made of: hydrangea, cinnamon, orange peel, turmeric, yarrow, cornsilk, grass, seaweed, mulberry, money plant, cotton, bloody dock, poinsettia, aucuba, birch, basil and hornet's nest.
Click HERE to learn more.

Cornhusk Creations~

To see more of Sarah's artwork visit her website: or click HERE to see her shop on Etsy.